
For friends who lived in and who just love Kairos.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well, I'll blog...

Hi, fine and lovely people of Kairos past.

I do hope everyone is well everywhere. My updates are simple: I'm almost done with a year of teaching. Things are terrific with my girlfriend, Quinn. I'm planning to spend the summer laying low around the Oregon area, living on the cheap, and getting the book I've been working on now for two or three years to the point where I have a 'salable' draft.

I'm writing to do two things. The first is to mention, quickly, that I'm being published next Fall in the literary journal 'Brevity,' which specializes in the short non-fiction essay. I don't know how the heck it is that the first thing I'm publishing is non-fiction, especially non-fiction that I created by taking two paragraphs from a failed short story I wrote two years ago (ok, it was thinly veiled autobiography even then) and adding two lines. The venue is decently prestigious, however. And it's, well, encouragement and an audience.

The second, and more important thing: I once upon a time created something called an 'Oregon trip.' For a while I was a uniter. Then I lost my credentials by being too broke to travel to Boston last Fall. To redeem myself, I propose that people consider coming out to Oregon in the Summer for a retreat out at the cabin my folks have on the river. I say, we do it in mid August, though for me the dates are awful flexible. California folks, it's only seven and a half hours from the Bay to the cabin, and a little less coming from Seattle and environs. I'd go a week, open house, drop-in-as-you-will, with a couple events interspersed-- a camping run just up the road, or perhaps a kayaking day for those who want it on the nearby Umpqua or Rogue. A week out of time, in the Oregon summer, with no worries, no demands. Consider it. If I hear positive response, I will make it happen.


Thursday, May 03, 2007


Hello long lost friends.

So I have to admit I had forgotten about our lovely little blog (gasp!), but then Luke reminded me that we had it. And I have recently discovered iGoogle which can track certain blogs that I tell it to, which somehow I guess makes my life easier. Anyway, I just "subscribed" to this blog, which means a) I won't be so behind on the times and funny stories about our adventures that I can't believe I'm just reading now (Rica you're comic genius, David Sedaris watch out) and b) I hope you all "subscribe" too and that the website is revived. Yeah.

I guess I should now say something timely and amusing about myself now. I am supposed to be switching projects soon at work, which means I should be finishing up all of my current projects, but somehow instead I find myself completely without focus and doing things like making iGoogle webpages and such. After work yesterday a few co-workers and I watched the local JV baseball team game and ate seeds. I felt like I was still in high school too. Go Generals (yes, I work in the South, it scares me too).

Okay, I'm still uncaffeinated and rambling now. I hope this finds you all well and blogging more soon.