
For friends who lived in and who just love Kairos.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Cribbed from elsewhere, these two... but the only whole group shot I think we got...


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cliff Marry F*%&#

Or "Marry, Boff, or Kill", as they call it on 30 Rock, which I have unfortunately just developed an addiction to amidst studying for midterms. Go here and watch episode 113. Or, there's even an online version of it to play!

Thought it was Kairosey enough to post. Enjoy. :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Med school blog beta

Here it is: http://themedschoolblog.blogspot.com/

I'm still not sure how blogging will work out once I start seeing patients and all, but we'll try it for now. Let me know whatcha think.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Oregon Pictures!

I'm sorry I took so long to post these, but I'm mostly sorry I didn't take more! Like the river itself, there are no words to describe the Oregon trip. If anyone wants to caption the pictures, that would be awesome, though. Just wade through my artsy-naturey shots to get to the fun ones.