
For friends who lived in and who just love Kairos.

Friday, March 09, 2007

People move to Oregon

So, I don't see that Kirstin (or with an e?) Quade is on here. Though some names are mysterious to me. The point: she's coming to Eugene for the MFA at the University of Oregon, having been unhappy in Texas, and I'll still be here next year since my girlfriend Quinn still has another year in these parts. Kirstin claims to believe people from Eugene are 'talented' and have 'good hearts,' something I had to convince her of by explaining that Hunt and I are the exception; most people don't burn boxes of kittens for fun, or laugh in an evil, dorky manner while doing evil, dorky things. I think she almost believes me. The point here is the following:

Eugene: 2

Texas: 0

Anchorage: 0

Seattle: 2?

DC: 1

L.A.: 1

NY: 1?

Boston: ? Unknown-- those of you who count Cambridge as Boston may be living a lie. Ok. Cambridge: 3

San Fran: Unclear. I suppose there are 4 fairly confirmed folks. But then, the greater Bay Area is so spread as to make the question of whether you can count 'San Fran' when you live in Cupertino a valid one. Also, the syntax of that last sentence was tortured within an inch of meaning.

Bloomington, IA: 1

And a number of other places. I'm sure my numbers are wrong. The point is that in terms of Kairos concentration, Eugene has recently surpassed the nation's capital, as well as the capital of Alaska, and the growth is exponential: 1 and now twice that, or 2. Who knows how many Kairosians will live here by years end? Will you be the next?

Eugene has a lot to offer. Why, recently we had the first day of sun in four months, and let me tell you, it was glorious. Well, ok, first five minutes of sun, when for a moment the sun cut the low-hanging clouds and blinded the light-sensitive, setting off a string of accidents and giving hundreds of melatonin-deprived residents sunburn. Still. The point here is that you should consider it. Sure Harvard and MIT have prestige, but consider the benefits of obscurity: in this lightless, rain-soaked little hamlet, hippies are still a force to be reckoned with, the peace sign still a potent symbol, and when you want to see a movie it's only six months lag time from release in a more major American city. I mean, think about it.



At 7:07 PM, Blogger Michael Copperman said...

Also: Rica is coming to Oregon to interview at OHSU in Portland. That means that if you imagine Kirsten had made it here already, then when Rica is here next week there'd be three. If that were the case. Um. Yeah.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger Rica said...

Wait, where are these numbers coming from? Who's the 1 in DC? Are you counting in the present or some kind of indeterminate, subjunctive-y might happen future? Or are you doing a combination to stack the deck for Eugene? Ya cheater.

But yeah, OHSU is cool. People are nice, except for Mike and Hunt.


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